Why You Need Contact Paper in Your Life
Photo from Amazon.com, no copyright is intended
There is a special place, on a special bus, with a special name tag on it in hell for the furniture companies and retailers who charge an arm and a leg for all the adorable and unique furniture we all see online.
For some of us, spending hundreds of dollars on pieces of furniture is not the best option, because you know…being poor. So, what you ask is the best option? This is where the DIY Gods smile down upon us. These days all you need is a good eye, some paint, and contact paper. Contact paper has changed the game! Gone are the days that you must search high and low to find the perfect piece of furniture, because now you can turn an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. Still not convinced on the wonders of contact paper, well here are some more reasons why you need contact paper in your life.
It’s Affordable
One of the best things about DIY projects is that they don’t have to be expensive. Usually that’s the reason we go the DIY route. Contact paper is super affordable, no matter what the budget is. My favorite rolls of contact paper have come from Amazon and Target and have cost between $5.99 and $12 per roll. And not only is it inexpensive, but they have all been durable! I currently use contact paper on my kitchen island, where all the magic happens, and by magic, I mean meal prepping, chopping, using my air fryer, and Foreman grill. My contact paper has stood the test of time through it all!
My DIY kitchen island
It’s Renter and DIY Friendly
For my renters, this is the move for us! As I have said before, nobody wants to wait until they become a homeowner to build their perfect and dream spaces. Using contact paper will allow all your Pinterest dreams to come true. Contact paper is relatively easy to use. All you need is a good eye and some kind of flattening/ smoothing out device (I usually use a gym membership card on my smaller projects, might as well use it for something). Not only is it easy to install but its easy and clean to remove from your surfaces.
There are so Many Options
For those of us with that annoying indecisive trait, fear not! Contact paper offers literally thousands of options. I mean you can get traditional marble, black marble, gold marble, pink marble, leaves, stripes, and so many more all at affordable rates.